Saturday 14 July 2012

Unrestricted #3

Television: The Walking Dead

Set in present day America, The Walking Dead follows a group of characters as they try to survive in a world torn apart and riddled with the dead. Unlike many zombie films and television shows, The Walking Dead has depth and a good solid story with good solid characters and acting which is just as good as what you'd find anywhere else. The writing is crisp and realistic, never verging on the melodramatic. If you can throw away any preconceived notions of the horror genre before watching this fantastic show, then you will be blown away - not only is this show paced fantastically, it also does not rely on constant action which allows for great characterisation and for the audience to be able to see the interaction and interplay between the characters which is vital for a show which, at its core, is about humanity and our moral and ethical guidelines. Now entering its third season, The Walking Dead is one of the best pieces of drama you will see on television today.

Music: Mogwai

Mogwai are a 5 piece post-rock band formed in the mid 1990's who specialise in instrumentation and distorting effects. So far the band have released 7 studio albums, with the first, Mogwai Young Team, standing out due to the great inventive nature of the sound and its gripping and spellbinding qualities, taking hold of you from its haunting opening to its heavy and disorientating finish. Mogwai really are one of the most original bands out there, with every album possessing its own unique sound and vision.

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